The name diamond comes from the ancient Greek “adamas” translated “indomitable”.
However, it is thought that diamonds were first recognized and mined in India, where they may have been found in alluvial deposits. Until the end of the 19th century, diamonds came mainly from Borneo and India, where it is known that jewellery and religious icons were already being made with diamonds since the 4th century BC.
From 1725 diamonds were found in Brazil but in 1869 a diamond discovery took place in southern Africa which has occupied a unique position both in trade and production until the end of the 1990s.
In 2003 the Kimberley Process was created, an agreement subsidized by the UN, to avoid wars financed with diamonds and which establishes a global certification in the export of rough diamonds.
Chemical composition. C. pure carbon
Hardness. 10
Clarity. Perfect
Density. From 3.51 to 3.53
Refractive index. from 2.417 to 2.419 (monorefringent)
Dispersion. 0.044
Cut: The brilliant cut is the most representative for the diamond, as it is the most traditional cut, the one that provides more brilliance and dispersion and therefore presents the best appearance, which is why it is the most requested cut in jewellery.
However, the diamond is cut in many other shapes and types of cut, named in the jewellery sector
as Fancy Cuts or Fancy Shapes.